Dear GeoMapApp community,
We are pleased to announce a new release, version 3.6.14.
This release includes several bug fixes, data portal updates, and improvements to the tabular data capabilities, to the color scale display and to grid imports.
Tabular Data Sets:
Many built-in and imported data sets are in tabular formats such as Excel spreadsheets and ASCII files. The Color, Scale and Configure functions that govern the display parameters for tables have been expanded to now operate on multiple tabular data sets at once. This preserves the display parameters for each tabular data set even when switching from one table to another.
Grid Import:
Grids that have NoData values other than "NaN" are now properly handled - the user may specify the NoData value in the import pop-up window.
Color Scale Bar:
The color scale bar activated from the Overlays menu can now be downloaded by clicking either the Save As diskette icon in the toolbar or the File > Save Map Window option. When a grid is loaded, the color scale can also be saved by clicking the diskette icon in the Loaded Grids window.
Portal Updates:
Digital Seismic Reflection Profiles portal and Analog Seismic Reflection Profiles portal: The digitization functionality has been upgraded to more accurately choose points and to correctly import previously-digitized horizon picks. Also, those imported horizons can now be edited.
Bathymetry, Gravity and Magnetics along-track underway data portal: Data can now be downloaded in comma-separated ASCII format in addition to MGD77 format, for one or multiple cruises. The user can also download the along-track data for the full track or for only that portion displayed inside the profile window. The import of MGD77 and MGD77T files has also been bolstered, and allows header files to be imported.
PetDB geochemistry portal: Updated to August 2021 to include analytical and compiled geochemical data derived from more than 79,700 mainly seafloor samples currently in the PetDB database.
Location/Timing of Seafloor Earthquakes and Volcanoes portal: Animations can now be saved in either MPEG4 or Quicktime (.mov) formats.
Bug Fixes: The following issues were amongst those that have been fixed in this new version:
Color scale bar (Overlays menu): The scale bar now properly reflects the color range in the map window and the annotations have been improved.
Grid import: Number of grid nodes now correctly displayed. When importing large grids, a how-to message now pops up if extra memory is needed.
Digital Seismic Reflection Profiles portal and Analog Seismic Reflection Profiles portal: The incorrect location of digitized horizons with certain Mac displays has been resolved.
Import tabular data: Segment separator and comment records now identified and ignored.
Profile tool: Refined the precision of the start and end coordinates.
Other bug fixes necessary to maintain GeoMapApp have also been implemented.
As always, you may email us with any problems, comments, or suggestions at